Chris Carter - Mondo Beat

Mondo Beat

Chris Carter

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Download Album (WAV) 6 tracks £8.99
Download Album (MP3) 6 tracks £7.99
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Chris Carter - Mondo Beat

Rare Chris Carter solo album, previously only available on vinyl.

This rerelease was digitally transferred from the original master tapes by Chris Carter and is of a far superior quality to previous vinylly transferred bootlegs.

This album was partly recorded at Throbbing Gristle's Industrial Records studio in London and some tracks are in 'Binaural Stereo'.

Released in 1985.



Download Album (CTIDD012)
  1. Moonlight
  2. Real Life
  3. Noevil
  4. Mondo B
  5. Nobadhairdo
  6. Beyond Temptation